Adjective (な)
1. possible; potential; practicable; feasible
Pitch accent
Composed of
acceptable; satisfactory; approval; being in favour; Pass (grade); Fair
talent; gift; function; noh (theatre)
Used in vocabulary (67 in total)
potentiality; likelihood; possibility; availability
as much as possible; as far as possible; whenever possible; if (at all) possible
Examples (30 in total)
Both are possible.
Theoretically, it's possible.
Is such a thing possible?
Is this really possible?
The situation is still capable of improvement.
The stadium is accessible by bus.
Electric cars can be recharged at home.
I wonder if such a thing is possible in this world.
All possible means have been tried.
In addition to PCs, it can be used with cell phones.
Is world peace made possible by friendship?
You'll be able to use a calculator during the test.
Is it possible to determine the diameter from the circumference?
Is it possible to see Venus tonight?
Modern science has turned many impossibilities into possibilities.
Is it really possible to predict an earthquake?
Is it really possible to do a brain transplant?
In this horror movie, it is possible for the dead to come back to life.
Is it possible to reprint this article?
I think it's possible for people to live on the moon.
Is it possible to land a plane on this island?
We explored all possible ways of cutting expenditures.
Is it possible to forget your native language?
In theory it is possible, but in practice it is very difficult.
He has recovered his health, so he is now able to resume his studies.
A trip to Mars may become possible in my lifetime.
She wanted to know if the photographer could remove the hat from the picture.
This device made it possible to turn sea-water into fresh water easily.
It is possible for you to read this book in a few days.
It is possible for him to swim across the river.