Adjective (な)
1. possible; potential; practicable; feasible
Pitch accent
Composed of
acceptable; satisfactory; approval; being in favour; Pass (grade); Fair
talent; gift; function; noh (theatre)
Used in vocabulary (67 in total)
potentiality; likelihood; possibility; availability
as much as possible; as far as possible; whenever possible; if (at all) possible
available; enabled; can be used; may be used
modifiable; changeable; updateable
executable (e.g. executable file); capable of putting into practice
available; usable (e.g. bandwidth)
exchangeable; convertible; transferable; replaceable
possibility of participation; participation possibility
achievable; attainable
demountable; dismountable
reusable; recyclable
removable; detachable; demountable
executable; movable
separable; detachable
rewritable (e.g. magneto-optical CD)
transferable; alienable; assignable
dynamis (philosophy); dunamis
writable (e.g. a writable CD-ROM)
potential form
potential verb; -eru verb derived from -u verbs expressing potentiality
operable time; uptime
observable (quantity)
available choice
potential mood
possible-world model
addressable point
sustainable throughput
sustainable cell rate; SCR
addressable point
replaceable parameter data
replaceable character data
workforce; work force; labor force; labour force
Examples (30 in total)
Both are possible.
Theoretically, it's possible.
Is such a thing possible?