1. money
2. metal
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (58 in total)
rich person
monetary value
broke; poor; short; skint; having no money
purse; wallet; billfold; cashbox; till
money rules the world; rich man's world
silver (Ag); silver coin; money; silver medal; silver colour; silver color
money-making; earning money
to spend money
profitable; lucrative
moneylending; moneylender
(doing something) for money; being mercenary
source of revenue; financial supporter
to save money
money monger; money-happy person; person who is money-mad; money-grubber
broke; skint
financial circumstances; financial situation; circulation of money
time is money
to be lost in lust for riches; to throw all caution and conscience away in pursuit of riches
to get hold of money
request for money; touch
jade plant (Crassula argentea, Crassula ovata)
to lose money; to spend money
other people's money
(metal) mold; mould
mean (greedy) about money; stingy
to bet money
Acheilognathus rhombeus (species of cyprinid)
(doing something) regardless of expense
relationships formed by wealth will end when the money ends; the relationship ends when the money runs out; the end of money is the end of love
money talks; money is the key that opens all doors; money is the best lawyer in hell; (lit.) even the verdict of hell is determined by money
to expend money; to spend money
(doing something) regardless of expense
to give money
to spread money around (e.g. to give, to loan, to invest, etc.)
to ask for money; to put the touch on someone
dirty money
money comes and goes; money goes around and around
using money as a weapon; power of money
using money as a weapon; power of money
money; cash
(token amount of) consolation money
small change
metallic foil cut into strips or other shapes to form decorative motifs; cutting a thin sheet of metal into shapes and affixing it with lacquer forming natural features (e.g. clouds)
kanji "metal" or "gold" radical at left; the metal industry
you can't rely on parents and money to stay around forever; money comes and goes; so do parents
how money is used
large sum of money
money-eating; expensive; extravagant
to let money lie idle
handsome men have neither money nor power
money-centered way (of thinking)
even the strong-willed fall into temptation; there's nothing you can't do if you set your mind to it
Examples (176 in total)
It's your money, isn't it?
Hand over your money.
Show me the money.