Verb (5-dan, つ)
1. to shoot (at)
usu. 撃つ
2. to attack; to defeat; to destroy; to avenge
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (5 in total)
to meet (the enemy) and attack; to engage (the approaching enemy); to confront; to intercept
to take (a person) unawares; to make a surprise attack
to avenge (somebody) by striking down their killer
Examples (24 in total)
Don't move, or I'll shoot you.
I would have been shot.
If you get shot, you'll die.
My friend has been shot.
He was shot and seriously wounded.
Wait! Don't shoot!
They shot Tom.
The hunter shot a bear.
He shot at me.
They were ready to run the risk of being shot by the enemy.
He was shot 3 times in the arm.
Benjamin shot a bear with a rifle.
I've never shot anyone.
It is difficult to shoot a bird flying in the air.
He couldn't bring himself to shoot the deer.
We fired guns at the enemy.
The man suddenly started shooting his gun.
He shot at the bird, but missed it.
I persuaded the policeman not to shoot the monkey.
Why am I shooting these guys, tell me, what have they done?
He shot many lions, elephants, and other animals.
He fired three shots.
The man shot three birds with a gun.
It was in 1980 that John was shot at this spot.