Verb (5-dan, る, intransitive)
1. to remain; to be left
Kanji used
left behind
Pitch accent
Top 300
Used in vocabulary (12 in total)
to make a lasting impression
to stay behind; to remain; to work overtime
Examples (91 in total)
I can stay.
I don't want to remain here.
Is there any salt left?
Were there any tickets left?
Is there any rice left?
There are no potatoes left.
Will I have a scar?
There's no salad oil left.
There is a little water left.
I've decided to stay here.
It seems like there's no money left.
There was scarcely any money left.
There's very little paper left.
There's a little coffee left.
Footprints were left on the floor.
How many sandwiches are there left?
There is not a drop of water left.
How many sandwiches were left?
The scar shows clearly.
Only two days remain.
There is no sugar left in the pot.
There is but one chance left.
There's nothing left to eat.
I want you to stay here with her.
I have to stay for a while.
They hardly have any time left.
We still have plenty of time left.
I'll stay here with you.
But now, nothing is left for me.
There were few students left in the classroom.
So, you're still pretty tired, aren't you?
How much more work do you have?
The teacher made him stay after school.
There was a lot of food left over from the party.
I still have one more year of high school.
Are you sure there's nothing left to drink?
There's no water left in the bottle.
There was nothing left in the refrigerator.
Even if my memories fade, my records will remain.
One thing remains doubtful.
There isn't much butter left in the refrigerator.
Do you have any tickets left for today's concert?
There is little water left in the canteen.
There's hardly any coffee left in the pot.
He will be remembered always.
There is little milk left in the bottle.
I hope there's still some bread left.
He bade me stay behind.
I chose to leave instead of staying behind.
There is very little paper left, so order some more.
There is a little wine left in the bottom of the glass.
It was the greatest earthquake on record.
There isn't any furniture left in the room.
I was just wondering if maybe there was some more milk in the refrigerator.
How many days will you remain in London?
"Is there any sauce left?" "No, there is none."
I felt uncomfortable and wanted to leave, but I stayed.
He stayed late and worked overtime.
I was bidden to stay behind.
Tom ate all the bread, so there is none left.
There was a little water left in the bottom of the bottle.
I have three years left until retirement.
I'd stay in Boston if I could.
The man robbed him of all his money.
Many children stay after school for club activities.
After all, nothing remains forever.
What unanswered questions remain?
This experience will always remain in my memory.
You have made all my dreams come true.
Friendship lasts longer than memories.
His works will endure for centuries.
Fear crept into my heart and settled there.
The boy crammed all his clothes into the bag.
The fact remains that he is guilty.
This superstition still lingers on among them.
There's nothing left to do aside from packing.
But I have nothing left. I am just an old stump.
She wanted a piece of cake, but there was none left.
My memory of that is still vivid.
When I pay all my debts, I'll have no money left.
The event still remains vivid in my memory.
After the disaster, there was scarcely any water left on the island.
The accident is still vivid in his memory.
Part of Hokkaido still remains in its natural state.
Steel production of the year was the highest on record.
He will go swimming, whether you go with him or stay at home.
She has three sisters: one is a nurse and the others are teachers.
We'll be here all day.
There's only one bottle of red wine left.
I have hardly any money left.
There is only a week left before the examination.