1. tooth
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (41 in total)
impatient; tantalized; tantalised; irritated; chagrined; chagrinned
to strike back at; to bite back; to turn on; to rise against; to oppose; to defy
capped tooth; (dental) crown
Examples (29 in total)
An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.
This tooth hurts.
I need to get my teeth fixed.
Which tooth hurts?
I have to get my teeth fixed.
Turtles don't have teeth.
Tom has a toothache.
I would like to have my teeth straightened.
This tooth is loose.
I'll take some X-rays of your teeth.
He had few teeth.
No matter how sleepy you are, brush your teeth.
I had a toothache yesterday.
My teeth chattered with cold.
This tooth is a false tooth.
My teeth hurt when I drink something cold.
We must always keep our teeth clean.
It is often said that sweets are bad for your teeth.
Mike had his teeth checked last week.
His teeth are white like a pearl.
I brush my teeth clean after meals.
Dentists take X-rays to examine your teeth.
When he smiled, the children saw his long, gray teeth.
His teeth are yellow from smoking too much.
My toothache returned in a few hours.
A mother must protect her child's teeth from decay.
She goes to the dentist regularly, so she seldom gets toothache.
Don't use your teeth to open it.
How many teeth does a horse have?