1. tooth
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (41 in total)
impatient; tantalized; tantalised; irritated; chagrined; chagrinned
to strike back at; to bite back; to turn on; to rise against; to oppose; to defy
capped tooth; (dental) crown
dental brushing; brushing one's teeth; dentifrice; toothpaste; tooth powder
involuntary nocturnal tooth grinding; bruxism; grinding one's teeth out of anger or vexation
age; years (old)
unable to compete with; not able to make a dent in (e.g. a problem); not able to get a solid hit in (e.g. in a fight); hard to chew
to brush one's teeth
to bite; to sink one's teeth into; to nip
root (of a tooth); dedendum
to bear up in tragedy; to stand pain well; to hold one's temper; to clench one's teeth; to grit one's teeth
grinding of the teeth; involuntary nocturnal tooth grinding; bruxism; grinding one's teeth out of anger or vexation; gnashing one's teeth; gritting one's teeth
chewiness; firmness; feel of food while being chewed; challenge (e.g. work, book); toughness
brake; drag; skid; restraint; curtailment; self-imposed limit
gums; teethridge
impression of the teeth; tooth mold (mould); tooth mark; teeth marks
feel when biting; manner of enunciation
root of a tooth; fang
tooth powder; toothpaste
tooth powder; toothpaste
set one's teeth on edge
row of teeth; set of teeth; dentition
to have one's teeth set on edge; to get loose teeth
texture (e.g. chewiness, hardness, crispiness, crunchiness, etc.) of food
having missing teeth; toothlessness
to lose a tooth; to lose one's teeth
gums; tooth ridge
to pull teeth out; to extract a tooth
(dental) plaque
an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth
row of teeth; set of teeth; dentition
repairing clogs
(dental) plaque
tooth fairy
toothed belt
missing important things here and there; full of gaps; (lit.) as if the teeth of a comb were missing
kanji "tooth" radical at left
missing important things here and there; full of gaps
Examples (29 in total)
An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.
This tooth hurts.
I need to get my teeth fixed.