1. time
2. hour
3. period; class; lesson
Pitch accent
Composed of
hour; o'clock; (specified) time; when ...; during ...
interval; period of time; among; between; good opportunity; chance
Used in vocabulary (198 in total)
period (e.g. class)
(your) time
recess; break time; break between classes; free period; recess time; recreation hour
half an hour; half hour
a few hours
how many hours?
timetable (esp. a weekly school timetable); schedule
to gain time; to play for time; to buy time
waste of time
24 hours; twenty-four hours
to take the time (to do); to set aside time (for)
being out of time; passing the deadline; time-out
time axis; time basis; timeline
timewasting; killing time
time travel; leaping through time
to spend time (on doing something)
time passes
period of time; time slot; time zone
matter of time; question of time
gaining time; stalling for time; time-buying
short time
waste of time
timewise; temporal; chronal
rest period; intermission; break time; recess
to make time; to carve out some time (to do something)
free time; time at leisure
(one's) sleeping hours; hours of sleep
to spare time (for)
(getting) late; about time; good time (for doing something); good timing
(getting) late; about time; good time (for doing something); good timing
waiting time; latency; standby time (e.g. cellular phones); queueing time
to have time free; to have time to spare
time appointed for meeting (assembling); time one is supposed to meet
business hours; opening hours; office hours
office hours; business hours; working hours
amount of time one has
free time; spare time
visiting or office hours
lights-out time
to be late; to be unpunctual
overtime; outside of hours (school, office, surgery, etc.)
time required; time taken; necessary time
closing hours (of a store, restaurant, etc.)
school hours; hours of teaching (instruction)
to make oneself available (free)
time one returns home
working hours; man-hours
opening time; starting time of work
one's study hours (time)
opening hours (of a store, restaurant, etc.)
working hours
Japan time; Japan Standard Time; JST
to value time
elapsed time
to be punctual
as long as time allows; whenever one has the time; as time permits
closing time (library, museum, etc.)
flight duration
time for reporting to work; time one leaves home to go to work; working hours; number of hours worked
hours of operation (machine, etc.); uptime
total hours spent working
running time (e.g. of movie)
commuting time
starting (departure) time
real time
flight time; number of flight hours
consultation hours; surgery hours
duration; running time (e.g. in film)
daylight hours; hours of sunshine
recess; break; breathing spell
time (for a program, programme); broadcasting hours; air time
timetable; schedule; allocation of time (e.g. to tasks); time usage
lay-over; stop-over
usage time; utilization time
stoppage time
reception hours; opening hours
boiling time
playtime; recess
recovery time
same time (of day)
time preservation; saving time
passage of time; perceived time; relative time
idle time; down time; window period
riding time; time spent aboard a bus, train etc.
hourly pay; hourly wage
actual work hours
time effect
question time (e.g. in parliament, diet, etc.); question period; time allowed for questions
acceleration time
startup (interval of) time
differentiated by time
per unit time; rate per unit of time
pay by the hour (parking)
attended time
duration of a cruise (flight); endurance
time reversal
journey time; travelling time; travel time; transit time; run time
time traveler; time traveller
exposure time
operation time
Eastern Time (US time zone)
time deviation; time lag; jitter
daylight saving time; daylight savings time; summer time
temporal art; art forms which unfold over time
modification time (of a file, e.g.)
response time
execution time; run time
transfer time; transmission time
operating time
dead time
hours for interviews
time variance
time ordered product
discounted hours; reduced rate hours
total man-hours; total hours
operable time; uptime
time evolution; temporal development
eight-hour day
nursing time
group delay (in fibre optics, fiber optics)
judge timing the matches
compilation time
rotational delay; search time
positioning time; seek time
system production time
slot time (in CSMA-CD)
turn-on stabilizing time
program production time
positioning time; seek time
round-trip propagation time
add-subtract time
available time
environmental loss time; external loss time
deceleration time
miscellaneous time; incidental time
TDD; time division duplex
TDMA; time division multiple access
mean time to repair; MTTR
mean time to repair; MTTR
mean time to repair; MTTR
translation time
rise time; launch time; release time
Mountain Time (US time zone)
Central Time (US time zone)
Pacific Time (US time zone)
time preference
relaxation time
time perception; chronognosis
to have (one's) time taken up
eight-hour working day system
necessary labour time (in Marxian economics)
Examples (200 in total)
There's no time.
It's time to leave.
It's time for a bath.