1. quality; value
2. nature; inherent quality; character
3. logical quality
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (126 in total)
essence; true nature; substance; reality
question; inquiry; enquiry
makings (of); aptitude; talent; nature; character; temperament
constitution (physical); physical make-up; predisposition (to disease); character (of a group, organization, etc.); innate characteristics; make-up
alteration (of character or essence); change in quality; transformation; deterioration; degeneration; transmutation
different (quality, nature); heterogeneous
nature; property; disposition
nature; disposition; temperament; qualities; attributes; talents
disposition; temperament; nature; mentality; spirit; character
quality (of a product or a service)
inorganic matter; mineral matter; cold; inhuman; robotic
nervous; highly strung; sensitive; fussy; worried about petty things
hardness; stiffness
fine quality
malicious; vicious; malignant; shoddy; inferior; poor-quality
feel (of a material); texture
material; material properties; quality of material; quality of wood; quality of lumber
muscular; lean (of a company's operations, etc.)
commitment; pledge; promise
good quality; fine quality; superior quality; high quality
same quality; same nature; homogeneous
poor-quality; low-quality; shoddy; low-grade
good-quality; superior in quality
mineral matter; metallic property
good-quality; superior in quality
water quality
form and nature
fleshiness; meat quality
hair type; hair quality
geological features
image quality (film, video, etc.)
spirit of a true artisan; (a craftsman's) pride in one's work
questioning (e.g. by police)
high quality
tone quality; sound quality
weak constitution
sugariness; saccharinity; carbohydrate
question; interpellation
matter (in Aristotelian philosophy)
phlegmatic temperament
paper quality
virtue; good qualities
dietary fiber (fibre)
glassy; vitreous
quality before quantity
simplicity; plainness
clay-like; clayey; argillaceous
keratin; corneum; cuticle; collagen; horny substance
mineral matter
soil; soil quality
protoplasm; plasma
crystalline material; crystalline substance
scrofulosis; being in delicate health; lymphatic temperament
woody; ligneous
natural talents
calcareous; chalky
(tooth) enamel; adamantine
heavy (esp. in oil, chemistry, etc.)
property of a film or membrane
snow's quality
substrate (i.e. in biochemistry); matrix (i.e. in biology); stroma
delicate health; fragile health
choleric temperament
animal matter
running style (e.g. front runner); riding style (of a keirin cyclist)
vegetable matter
samurai spirit
questioning accused and witness together
starchiness; starchy; farinaceous
cachexia; cachexy; wasting syndrome
disposition to operate in the red; tendency to have chronic deficits
gray matter; grey matter
toxic property; toxicity
white matter (e.g. in the brain); substantia alba
low-carb; low sugar
reforming (esp. gasoline); reformulation; modifying
point mass; particle; material point
(tooth) enamel
dentin; dentine
susceptibility to depression
light (esp. in chemistry)
quality of teeth
organic fertilizer
idiosyncrasy; allergy
characteristics of a (thrown) ball (light, heavy, etc.)
endoplasm; endosarc
quality of service; QOS
nucleoplasm; karyoplasm
cementum (hard connective tissue covering the tooth root); cement
air quality index; AQI
quality and defects liability
bottom material; bed material; sludge; sediment; substratum
low-density lipoprotein; LDL
quality of a fabric or cloth; texture of a fabric
dispersed phase
colored wood-free paper (coloured)
gramophone record quality
spike protein; peplomer
Examples (11 in total)
It is quality, not quantity that counts.
The quality of rice is going down.
In terms of quality, his is the best report.