1. the world; society; the universe
2. sphere; circle; world
Adjective (の)
3. world-renowned; world-famous
4. realm governed by one Buddha; space
original meaning
Pitch accent
Top 47700
Used in vocabulary (108 in total)
sekai-kei (genre of manga, anime, etc.)
another world (esp. in fiction); otherworld; parallel universe; different-dimension world; isekai
best in the world
world line
around the world; throughout the world
the whole world
world view; outlook on the world; Weltanschauung (philosophy); appearance of a world (e.g. in fiction)
worldwide; global; international; world-famous; world-class
New World (esp. the Americas, but also Australasia); new world
world conquest; world domination; taking over the world
every part of the world; all over the world; the four corners of the world
virtual world
world's largest
end of the world
world history; international history
world peace; peace of the world
Old World (i.e. Asia, Africa, Europe)
countries all over the world; all the countries of the world
parallel world; parallel universe
inner psychological world; mental world; spiritual world
world map
entire world; whole world; world stage
World Heritage (site)
global scale; worldwide scale
round-the-world trip; circumnavigation; globe-trotting
world government
world situation; world affairs
world record; establishing a world record (in)
the whole world; the universe
world economy; international economy
world-class; (of) high global reputation
other worlds
Second World
cosmopolitan; world citizen
this world
world championship
domination of the world; world hegemony; world domination
picture of the world; world picture; image of the world; Weltbild
globally; on the global stage; on a worldwide level
prehistoric age
sekai-kei (genre of manga, anime, etc.)
sekai-kei (genre of manga, anime, etc.)
world domination; global domination
worldwide financial crisis; global depression
globe-trotting; traveling (around) the world
one's world within; one's inner world
civilized world; civilised world
world state; world federation
world champion
new world record
the whole universe (of a billion worlds) that Buddha enlightened
World Health Organization (Organisation); WHO
(major) world religion (i.e. Christianity, Buddhism, Islam)
Seven Wonders of the World
Great Depression (1929-1939)
global market
World Championships in Athletics
everyday world
new world record
worlds of the ten directions
international language; world language; global lingua franca; constructed international auxiliary language (e.g. Esperanto)
space-time continuum
world of the lost; human realm; this world
world city; global city
world natural heritage site
Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948)
the four great civilizations of the world (China, Babylon, India, and Egypt; as put forward by Chinese scholar Liang Qichao in 1900)
global language; world language; languages of the world; world languages
world financial crisis (2007-2008); global financial crisis; GFC
World Trade Organization (Organisation); WTO
world recession
main currents (the trend) of thinking in the world
world coordinate; WC
international exposition; world expo
world expo; world fair
umwelt; self-centered world
focus of the trade routes of the world
possible-world model
World Meteorological Organization (Organisation); WMO
World Intellectual Property Organization (Organisation); WIPO
World Conference of Religions for Peace
Universal Time; UT
world coordinates; WC
global information infrastructure; GII
international telephone number
citizen of the world; world citizen
World Calendar
poverty is the greatest motivator; poverty is the mother of invention
Examples (200 in total)
The world is vast.
What a small world!
It's a big world.