Adjective (な)
Adjective (の)
1. special; particular; extraordinary; exceptional; especial
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (73 in total)
preferential treatment; special treatment; discrimination; express delivery; special delivery
deluxe suite
special seat
special treatment
special award; special prize
special lecturer; guest lecturer
special program; special programme
special measure; special measures
discount price; special offer price
special adoption; plenary adoption; adoption in which the relationship with the biological parents is dissolved
special precautions; special vigilance
extra charge; specially reduced charge
special investigation headquarter
special ward; administrative subdivision of a prefecture that has a directly elected mayor and assembly; special economic zone (China); special administrative region of China (e.g. Hong Kong)
special plane
special law
special number; special issue
special exhibition (at museum, etc.)
special committee; ad hoc committee
special order; custom order; bespoke (goods)
special attack unit; suicide squad; kamikaze unit
special viewing platform (even higher viewing platform)
suicide attack; kamikaze attack
aggravated breach of trust
special discount
advanced juvenile training school; special reformatory; juvenile hall for grave offenders
limited express (train for which a limited-express ticket is required); limited express (train making a limited no. of stops)
intensive-care old people's home
special Diet session; special session of the Diet; Diet session required to be convoked within thirty days of a general election
special Diet session; special session of the Diet; Diet session required to be convoked within thirty days of a general election
special position in the civil service (exempted from application of the Local Public Service Act)
emergency warning
special administrative region of China (e.g. Hong Kong); SAR
special account
extra-curricular activities; special activities
distinguished professor
Special Higher Police (1911-1945); police unit controlling political thought and expression
special city; special municipality; direct-controlled municipality
special legislation
distinguished professor (unofficial title awarded by the institution itself)
extraordinary loss
extraordinary gain
(the police) wanting (someone) for questioning; having (someone) on the wanted list
special meeting
Special Permission to Stay in Japan; residence status that can be granted to illegal immigrants or overstayers
special kokoku appeal
special prosecutor (e.g. United States); special counsel
Special Income Tax for Reconstruction (of areas affected by the 2011 Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami)
special drawing rights; SDR
special dividend
special-purpose entity; SPE
special permanent resident
special economic zone (China)
special delivery (mail category)
special-express ticket (usu. needed in addition to a basic fare ticket); limited-express ticket
special needs
special cash payment (e.g. during the COVID-19 pandemic, 2020)
person with a special relationship (e.g. in inheritance); special relative
Examples (42 in total)
You're special.
Christmas is a special holiday.
Are you doing anything special?