1. talent; gift; function
2. noh (theatre)
Pitch accent
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Used in vocabulary (86 in total)
possible; potential; practicable; feasible
function; facility; faculty; feature
intelligence; intellect; brains
proficient; skillful; patience; perseverance; fortitude
talent; ability
effect; efficacy; virtue; benefit
ability; faculty
impossible; incapable (of doing); incompetence; inability; impotence; having no solution (of an equation)
incompetent; no-talent; worthless person; dimwit; incompetence
incompetence; inefficiency; inability; incompetent person
low intelligence; low IQ; feeble-mindedness; unintelligent person; person with a low IQ
able; capable; competent; talented; efficient
eloquence; oratory
all-purpose; utility; universal; all-powerful; almighty; omnipotent
laid-back; carefree; easygoing; thoughtless; happy-go-lucky
public entertainment; performing arts; accomplishments; attainments
the active; active voice
technical skill; ability; capacity
noh mask
efficiency; moment (i.e. magnetic moment)
noh play
fire shovel; fire pan
resembling a noh performance
ability; performance; efficiency
unusual power; superpower; ability beyond that of humans
all-purpose; utility; universal; all-powerful; almighty; omnipotent
authority; power; function
the senses; sensuality; carnality
almighty; omnipotent
spiritual ability
incompetent; have no merit
occupational ability; function; role
a wise man keeps some of his talents in reserve; one shouldn't show off; the person who knows most often says least; (lit.) a skilled hawk hides its talons
noh stage
innate ability; innate talent; natural gift
excellent calligraphy; calligraphy
basic functionality
resolution; resolving power
control function
noh farce; noh interlude
unavailable; unobtainable; not available
conversion function
it is not everything to ...
one's work
(excelling in) one area or skill; (being skilled or gifted in) one certain area
it is not everything to ...
noh theater performed at night by a fire
skillful penmanship; skilled calligrapher
minor piece in noh plays
ability; able person
active voice
skilled in writing
natural ability
automatic function
exchange function; swapping capability
to play a noh drama
reflective power; albedo
viewing noh; seeing a noh play; going to a noh theater
worker who only does one task; single skill worker
noh flute (transverse bamboo flute with seven holes; approx. 39 cm long)
cell potency; differentiation potency
ergative verb
ability-to-pay principle (of taxation)
power conservation (facility)
square function
nonadd function
sign change function
informal noh performed in light clothes (during the summer)
formal noh performed in full costume
low-ranking priest who does manual labour at a temple; male temple employee
ability-to-pay principle (of taxation)
Examples (1 in total)
Noh is a traditional Japanese art.