1. wall; partition
2. barrier; obstacle
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (52 in total)
plaster or mortar-covered wall
slamming one's hand into the wall in front of somebody (e.g. to stop them from leaving; often viewed as romantic); banging on the wall (e.g. to quieten one's neighbour)
close to the wall; alongside the wall
outer wall
wall with exposed timber pillars
stone wall; dry wall; rocky cliff; stone precipice
mud wall
wall-mounted ornament; wall decoration; wall hanging; wall-mounted
white plaster wall
through a wall; on the other side of a wall
catchers who warm up pitchers in the bullpen; tank (character that soaks up damage for the rest of the party in an MMORPG)
along the wall
wooden wall
along a wall
gable wall
wall newspaper; wall poster
one too shy to actively join in the party; wallflower
hard-to-overcome obstacle; high hurdle; (lit.) thick wall
emotional wall; internal barrier
wallboard; wall decoration
plaster; wall clay; wall mud
walls have ears
waist-high partition wall; breast wall
wall material; wall-finishing material; wallplate (e.g. in a mine)
language barrier
the Berlin Wall
sand-coated interior wall (in traditional Japanese architecture)
rough-coated wall
sound barrier
wall bearing no exposed pillars
single wall
Wailing Wall (Jerusalem); Western Wall
curtain separating a central room from the aisles around it (in palatial-style architecture)
undried wall
heat barrier
fall of a wall
grumbling or mumbling to oneself
punching the wall
stupidity barrier; stupidity as an obstacle to coming to a mutual understanding
framework (for a mud-plastered wall)
wall pass (soccer); return pass; one-two pass
load-bearing wall; bearing wall
windowless wall
hanging partition wall (e.g. against smoke)
fourth wall (in fiction)
fourth wall (in fiction)
foundation wall; structural wall
grass mixed with mud to construct walls; Hedera rhombea (species of ivy)
Examples (65 in total)
Don't lean against the wall.
They are breaking down the wall.
There is a map on the wall.