Usually written in kana
1. without
Usually written in kana
2. unacceptable; not alright; unsatisfactory
Pitch accent
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Used in vocabulary (95 in total)
being without a name; being nameless; namelessness
bum; good-for-nothing; ne'er-do-well
forget it; forget what I just said; scratch that; check that
idle; useless
brute; beast; monster; inhuman person; ungrateful person
mess; spoiled; spoilt; (come to) nothing; ruin
silence; without sound
not getting a reply
rickets; boneless; spineless
spoiled; spoilt; ruined; loss of face
existence or nonexistence; presence or absence; consent or refusal; yes or no
forget it; forget what I just said; scratch that; check that
without an appointment
penniless; broke
handless; armless; vineless plant; (arch.) sleeveless undergarment; (arch.) sleeveless haori; (arch.) menstruation
caecilian (any burrowing legless amphibian of the order Gymnophiona)
uneventful; peaceful; easy; simple; having nothing to do
certain; sure; doubtless
coward; sissy; weakling; loser; milquetoast; good-for-nothing
sleeveless (garment); sleeveless haori
legless lizard (esp. Anguidae spp., incl. glass lizards and slow worms)
having no thought for; having no consideration for; disregarding; overlooking; (arch.) being found not guilty (in an Edo-period court); (arch.) acquittal
continually; continuously; incessantly; without interruption
bottomless; endlessly deep; infinite
undisputed; entirely; perfect
without exaggeration; truthful; factual
homeless person; vagabond; tramp
unthinking; thoughtless; heedless; inconsiderate
somehow or other; for some reason or another
incompetent; no-talent; worthless person; dimwit; incompetence
presence or absence; whether something is there or not; whether something happens or not
forget it; forget what I just said; scratch that; check that
without penalty; acquittal; impunity
coward; gutless person; sissy; weakling; loser; milquetoast
being good-for-nothing; useless person
now or never; time's up
penniless; broke
with no hard feelings
nothing one can say (e.g. about something perfect); not a thing one can complain about; better than one could hope for
if you are prepared you don't have to worry; it's good to have a shelter against every storm
nothing in particular; none in particular
hopeless; unworkable
all pain, no gain; doing no good and a lot of harm; having no redeeming features; being a complete disadvantage; (lit.) a hundred harms and not a single gain
not getting a reply
without a break; without stopping; incessantly; ceaselessly
unbeatable; invincible; irresistible
no regrets; without regrets
just friends; no romantic interest; (lit.) no pulse
not applicable; n/a
there is no leisure for the poor
seedlessness; seedless fruit; lacking the material needed to do something
parentless; orphaned; parentless child; orphan
trivial thing; nonsense
compulsory; unavoidable; necessary
lacking in prudence; lacking in judgement
worthlessness; uselessness; hopelessness
rootless; groundless
even (of a trade); no advantage and no disadvantage
without optical correction (glasses, contact lens, etc.)
neither good nor bad
all's right with the world; all is as it should be
dry river; wadi; arroyo
dry river; wadi; arroyo
it's true to its name; it's just like it says on the box
something unspoken; non-functional mouth
no filter (photo); (lit.) without processing
unaccomplished person; uninteresting person; nobody
fabric dyed, embroidered or impressed so that the original fabric is completely covered
land-locked prefecture
seamless; jointless; one-piece
poverty is a stranger to industry; diligence is the mother of good fortune
the soft may prove more durable than the hard; (lit.) willow trees don't break under the weight of snow
followers take after their leaders; (lit.) there are no cowardly soldiers under a brave general
boundlessness; endlessness; infinity; incessantness; continuousness
bum; slacker; good-for-nothing; loser
year-round white daikon
without capital
centerless grinding; centreless grinding
coxless (rowing)
there's no medicine for stupidity
when you will wish to be filial, your parents will already be gone
unexpected; regrettable; easy; without regrets
not getting a reply
peerless; without equal
lacking balls; femininity; guy who lacks balls; cowardly man
without incident
uneasy; restless; restive
uneasy; restless; restive
having no choice; at a loss for what to do; at one's wits' end