1. employee; worker
2. laborer (labourer); blue-collar worker
Pitch accent
Composed of
manual labor; manual labour; toil; Labour Party
person; -er; (arch.) expert; (arch.) geisha; (arch.) prostitute
Used in vocabulary (31 in total)
longshoreman; stevedore
manual laborer; manual labourer
Examples (41 in total)
Three workers died.
Workers of all lands, unite!
Most workers belong to unions.
My dad was once a poor laborer.
The workers pushed for a raise in salary.
They guaranteed regular employment to their workers.
The workers were naked to the waist.
These workmen are constructing a road.
The employer made a new offer to the workers.
The management has agreed to have talks with the workers.
Many workers were laid off at that plant.
Many workers were trapped in the coal mine.
All the workers who are lazy must be fired.
The workers are threatening to strike.
Most workers get an automatic pay raise every year.
The workers are complaining about the working conditions.
His work was supervising the labourers on the site.
The workman died from the explosion.
The workers demanded more money and holidays.
Millions of workers lost their jobs.
The workers took pride in their work.
It's important to unite as many workers as possible.
Almost all the workers objected to working at night.
The workers united to demand higher wages.
Productivity has fallen. Accordingly, workers' bonuses will be reduced.
May Day is also a festival day for the workers in the world.
Part-time workers play an important role in the development of the economy.
The new company rule was unfair to older workers.
The workers' demands centered around overtime pay.
The workers have no incentive to work harder.
Workers are taking a financial beating in the employment crisis.
Some companies guarantee their workers a job for life.
Are you in favor of the workers getting more money?
The workers in the factory were forced to work hard to improve the products.
The average skilled workers now earn over $10,000 a year.
The workers were laid off for three weeks.
John employs 200 workers.
The company employs 500 workers.
They employ foreigners because Japanese workers are in short supply.
Laborers normally work 8 hours per day.
The workman, as a rule, works eight hours a day.