1. employee; worker
2. laborer (labourer); blue-collar worker
Pitch accent
Composed of
manual labor; manual labour; toil; Labour Party
person; -er; (arch.) expert; (arch.) geisha; (arch.) prostitute
Used in vocabulary (31 in total)
longshoreman; stevedore
manual laborer; manual labourer
day laborer; day labourer
brain worker; brain-worker; white-collar worker; mental worker
seasonal laborer; seasonal labourer
wage laborer; wage earner; paid worker
migrant worker; economic nomad
temporary worker (dispatched from an agency); dispatched worker
non-fulltime worker; non-permanent worker; temp worker; temporary worker
casual laborer (labourer); day laborer (labourer)
unemployed laborer; unemployed worker
construction worker
female employee; female worker; working-woman
labor rally; labour rally
Temporary Staffing Services Law
itinerant laborer; migrant worker
organized labour (organised, labor); unionized labour
farm worker; farm laborer; farm labourer; farmhand
manpower business; manpower agency
workers' accident compensation insurance
fulltime worker; permanent worker
workers' district (in North Korea)
Examples (41 in total)
Three workers died.
Workers of all lands, unite!
Most workers belong to unions.