Adjective (の)
Verb (する)
1. fashion; trend; vogue; craze; fad; popularity
Verb (する)
2. prevalence (of a disease); epidemic
Pitch accent
Composed of
fashion; way; school (of thought); class; rank; current (electrical, water, etc.)
going; travelling; act; action; bank; counter for banks; counter for groups or parties of people
Used in vocabulary (14 in total)
big craze; boom; popular trend; widespread contagion; large outbreak
buzzword; vogue word; popular phrase
out of fashion; out of style; outmoded
fashionable color; fashionable colour
popular person
infected district; infected area; endemic area
popular singer; singer of pop songs
the principle of fluidity and immutability in haiku; Haiku is both "fluid and transitory" and "eternal and immutable."; An interchange between the transient and the immutable is central to the soul of haiku. (Basho)
pattern now in fashion
the cream (pink) of fashion
Examples (23 in total)
Fashions change quickly.
She is sensitive to current fashions.
What's in fashion in Paris?