1. country; state
2. region
3. national government; central government
4. home (i.e. hometown, home country)
5. province (of Japan)
6. land; earth
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (54 in total)
Japan, the Land of Abundant Rice
of the land
Examples (200 in total)
It's a beautiful country.
What country were you born in?
Japan is a small country.
America is a country on the move.
Japan is a rich country.
Germany is a big country.
Europe is not a country.
America is a country of immigrants.
Are you proud of your country?
The Netherlands is a small country.
It's a very large country.
What's your purpose in visiting this country?
They fought for the sake of their country.
Kingdoms and small countries then developed.
He works for the good of the country.
I will come to your country some day.
Rain is scarce in this country.
Do people drink tea in your country?
Is it a city or a country?
Every country has its own history.
Who ruled this country?
Which country are you from?
Japan is an extremely noisy country.
Japanese is not used in this country.
A revolution broke out in that country.
Japan is a country in which there are many earthquakes.
Do you eat rice in your country?
He is known to the entire country.
The name of this country is Russia.
They invaded the country.
Oranges grow in warm countries.
Italy is a very beautiful country.
The country was torn by war.
Do they eat rice in your country?
There are still barbarous nations.
The climate is mild in this country.
The USA is a very big country.
A lot of countries participated in the Olympic Games.
This country is rich in coal.
That country abounds in oil.
That country has a mild climate.
Japan is a very long country from north to south.
A country collects taxes from its people.
The country fell into the invader's hand.
In what country was Mozart born?
They say Australia is a wonderful country.
I want to know about your country so much.
What do you like about this country?
It is impossible to tell what will happen in that country.
Most of us love our country.
You will soon get accustomed to living in this country.
People came from the farthest country.
The country was gearing up for war.
He seems to have left the country.
I think that Japan is a very safe country.
Our country desires only peace.
Which country do you think has a lot of beautiful women?
We are leaving this country for good.
There are many cities in this country.
I came to this country three years ago.
The government of that country is now stable.
The defeated army retreated from the country.
They fought for the honor of their country.
The war brought ruin to the country.
England is a land where the policemen carry no revolvers.
That country must be very beautiful.
Our country produces a lot of sugar.
The war diminished the wealth of the country.
I am unfamiliar with the customs of this country.
Japan is a country surrounded by the sea on all sides.
The population of this country is gradually decreasing.
A lot of treasure was brought over to this country.
The war made the country poor.
The country's economy was dislocated by the war.
He says he is leaving the country for good.
The government of this country oppresses its people.
There seems no need to help that country.
The two countries were united under one government.
The number of murders is increasing even in countries like Japan.
The population of this country is gradually diminishing.
The country's economy depends on agriculture.
This country has four seasons.
Women live longer than men in most countries.
Is Mary a common name in your country?
The country is supported by industry.
How long have you been in this country?
The country is isolated economically and politically.
The view for the country's future is bright.
Spain was one of the world's mightiest nations.
The country is in the grasp of the enemy.
The country is twice the size of England.
Is Tom a common name in your country?
China is the largest country in Asia.
There are many countries and many cultures on Earth.
He gave up his life for his country.
He had left his country one year before.
Japan is a country that is surrounded on all sides by the ocean.
The travelers came from many lands.
Women in that country are fighting for their freedom.
Many countries are experiencing similar problems.
The beautiful of that country is beyond description.
I came to this country for the purpose of studying music.
Along with his children he fled the country.
The country is renowned for the beauty of its mountain scenery.
He is much concerned about the future of the country.
There were no Japanese in this country.
We are very much concerned about the future of this country.
America is proud of being a free country.
In that country there once lived a wise king.
The two countries are antagonistic to each other.
England is a country that I've wanted to visit for a long time.
We often call America the land of liberty.
She is a British citizen, but she was born in France.
There was once a cruel ruler in the country.
Social customs vary greatly from country to country.
A nation need not necessarily be powerful to be great.
The country had been devastated by long war.
The country was governed by a French noble family.
Japan recognized the new government of that country.
It was the most popular sport in this country.
Foreign tourists in this country are numerous.
The new government promised to rid the country of corruption.
The people saved their country from the enemies.
What's the country with the highest population density in the world?
One of the main products of this country is coffee.
Germany is known as a land of poets and philosophers.
This video is not available in your country.
Our country borders on several countries.
We export a lot of automobiles to that country.
Singapore is the richest country in Asia.
Many countries have problems with poverty.
That country is about twice as large as Japan.
A part of the country was at one time a French settlement.
They believe their country is secure against foreign enemies.
No country should interfere in another country's internal affairs.
In these statistics Egypt is classed as an African nation.
She thought of Canada as an ideal country to live in.
It's not easy to find a job in my country.
I would like to have seen him before he left the country.
I want to know more about your country.
Tell me something about your country.
I've visited many countries, but I like Japan best of all.
Men always walk in front of women in this country.
His name is familiar to everybody in the country.
His name is known to everybody in this country.
If you want to know a country, you must learn its history.
The young man knows little of his own country.
The development of the country is falling behind that of Japan.
No nation can exist completely isolated from others.
This young man knows little about his country.
In that country I was a foreigner and was treated as such.
The evil leader of the country was interested only in money.
A number of countries have strict laws against drugs.
You don't understand how fortunate the country you live in is.
Several universities in this country enjoy great prestige.
The manners and customs of a country reflect its culture.
The war between the two countries ended with a big loss for both sides.
At last both countries agreed on putting an end to the war.
I dream of a society whose wealth is distributed fairly.
The country appealed to the United Nations for help.
There is a movement against Japanese goods in that country.
The importation of rare wild animals to this country is strictly prohibited.
Switzerland is a very beautiful country that is worth a visit.
War breaks out when nations try to form their own empires.
He became, as it were, a kind of hero from a strange land.
It is important to understand that each country has its own culture.
Man lives in communities such as cities and countries.
The best way to learn a foreign language is to go live in a country where it's spoken.
I am trying to understand the politics of my country.
Our ancestors arrived in this country 150 years ago.
She lived in five different countries by age 25.
In many countries, the main reason that people come to big cities is because of work.
People of this country do not respect their old traditions any longer.
The government has made efforts to make our country clean and green.
The best way to know what a country is like is to go and see it with your own eyes.
There are more than 150 nations in the world.
The country borders on two other countries.
The traitor betrayed his country to the enemy.
I want to go to a country without Mondays.
Do you have much snow in your country?
This lake is the deepest in this country.
English is spoken in many countries around the world.
India is the seventh largest country in the world.
We are doing business with many countries.
I have been to more than ten foreign countries so far.
Every fifth person has a car in this country.
He left his country two years ago.
These three countries were united into one.
The man controlled the country for fifty years.
Japan should be kind to other countries.
Wind energy has been used to some extent in many countries.
In most Western countries, young people come of age at 18 or 21.
These states were united into one nation.
Our ancestors came to this country 150 years ago.
Cows are more useful than any other animal in this country.
By the age of 25, she had lived in five different countries.
In America elderly people are not given the same degree of respect they receive in many other countries.
No country on earth is safe in this nuclear age.
In most countries, people under the age of 18 are considered minors - they cannot vote.
He ruled for five years. In the sixth year, another king, who was stronger than he, waged war against him.