1. country; state
2. region
3. national government; central government
4. home (i.e. hometown, home country)
5. province (of Japan)
6. land; earth
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (54 in total)
Japan, the Land of Abundant Rice
of the land
dreamworld; dreamland; la-la land
hades; realm of the dead; the next world
distant country; heaven; hades
gods of the land; earthly deities
country; Japan
Oncorhynchus nerka kawamurae (rare Japanese subspecies of sockeye salmon)
our country; our land; one's own country
country; territory; domain; realm
all over the country; everywhere in the country; throughout the nation
one's home; hometown; native place; birthplace
your native country; your hometown; my home country (i.e. Japan); countryside; country; (arch.) daimyo's territory (Edo period)
land of the gods; Japan; Heaven
that country; (arch.) nirvana
the State
national character; regional character
nation building
national customs and manners; provincial song or ballad; waka (classical Japanese poetry, as opposed to Chinese poetry)
fairyland; never-never land
by country
one's home; one's native province
forced relocation of a daimyo to a different domain (Edo period); change of constituency (politician); change of district
spacious country
visiting one's constituency; (arch.) feudal lord's return to his estate
provincial dialect; local accent
Yamato; Japan
land of everlasting summer
province-wide uprising (Muromachi period)
national or local pride; the pride of one's native place
China; Korea
country code
local dialect; vernacular; provincialism; national language
prosperity of a country
unavailability of online content or services in one's country (e.g. due to licensing agreements); geo-blocking
one's hometown; one's birthplace; one's native region
national glory
with one's country in ruins
provincial maps of Japan (Edo period)
country code
each ministry thinks only of its own good, but not of the good of the country; (lit.) when there are ministries, there is no country
foreign country; province outside Kinai
country or region name used for people (in the Heian period court)
Kuni no Katachi Kenkyūkai (faction of the Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan); Kan faction; Kan group
list of province names
country bumpkin; someone from the same part of the country
god who controls a country's territory; god who rules a country
people of a country
birthplace; hometown
Examples (200 in total)
It's a beautiful country.
What country were you born in?
Japan is a small country.