1. not having; unaffected by
2. aside; I don't know about ...
often as ~は知らず
3. I know not whether; I know not if
at the beginning of a sentence
Used in vocabulary (32 in total)
I don't know about ... but; it may be possible for ... but
unconsciously; unwittingly; unawares
not knowing at all (that); without the slightest idea (that); completely unaware (that)
recklessness; daredevilry; rashness; (arch.) long-lasting
without noticing; before one realizes; before one is aware of
author unknown; anonymous
strange; unfamiliar; unknown; unfamiliarity; strangeness; stranger
involuntarily; instinctively; without realizing; unconsciously
not knowing one's social position; overweening; overreaching; forgetting who one is
without noticing; before one realizes; before one is aware of
ignorant of the ways of the world
shameless; shameless person
involuntarily; instinctively; without realizing; unconsciously
rude; impolite; mannerless; snotty
skyrocketing (prices)
wisdom tooth; not knowing who your parents are; person who doesn't know who their parents are
unbeatable; unbeaten; invincible
stupidity; ignorance; stupid person; ignorant person
there is no love like a father's; no child knows how dear he is to his parents
coldhearted; pitiless; merciless; heartless
the frog in the well knows nothing of the great ocean
summer-catch salmon
summer-catch salmon
self-conceit; neglecting one's health
knowing a theory without being able to apply it
people don't know themselves as well as they know others; even if you know what will happen to others, you don't know what will happen to yourself; (lit.) a fortune teller can't tell their own future
people don't know themselves as well as they know others; even if you know what will happen to others, you don't know what will happen to yourself; (lit.) a fortune teller can't tell their own future
prickly heat powder; baby powder; talc powder
ungrateful; unappreciative
he who has never toiled, does not know what it is to enjoy repose
drinkers drink too much (and harm themselves in the process), nondrinkers drink too little (and miss out on the medicinal benefits of alcohol)