1. simmered with; cooked with
2. boiling; boiled dish
Kanji used
cook by boiling
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Used in vocabulary (94 in total)
to boil well; to stew; to simmer (for a long time); to cook (various ingredients) together
nimono; food cooked by boiling or stewing
to be boiled; to be cooked
to boil; to be boiling hot; to be on a rolling boil
to boil down; to concentrate (soup, milk, stock, etc.); to reach a conclusion; to conclude a discussion
stew; hodgepodge
half-cooked; vague; halfhearted; indecisive
to be boiled down; to come to a standstill; to reach an impasse; to approach a conclusion (of a discussion, investigation, etc.)
to boil; to simmer
soup containing rice cakes and vegetables (New Year's dish)
preserved food boiled in soy
vegetables or fish boiled in soy sauce
to boil; to seethe
stew of cubed meat or fish (esp. pork belly or tuna)
to boil; to come to a boil; to seethe (with rage, etc.); to be furious
to extract essence by boiling; to extract flavor; to decoct
food cooked in miso; cooking in miso
vegetables or fish boiled in soy sauce
chikuzenni; simmered chicken and vegetables; chicken stew with taro, carrot, burdock, etc.
boiling (e.g. food)
to boil; to be boiling hot; to be on a rolling boil
to boil; to seethe
various foods cooked together; hodgepodge; hotchpotch; mulligan stew
half-cooked; vague; halfhearted; indecisive
boiling water
candied (chestnuts); sweetened boiled fish
to boil or simmer
cooked beans
to cook inside
boil in water
to boil down; to concentrate (soup, milk, stock, etc.); to reach a conclusion; to conclude a discussion
dish of vegetables, konnyaku, etc. simmered in soy sauce and water until the liquid is almost gone
falling apart while cooking
jellied fish or meat broth
offal stew
egg boiled, peeled, and steeped in soy sauce marinade
half-cooked; rare; ambiguous; vague; immature
jellied fish or meat broth
beef boiled with soy sauce, ginger and sugar
to cook hard
offal stew
to boil down
outdoor party where guests cook various types of vegetables (esp. in Tōhoku); (lit.) stewed potato party
to heat until dissolved
to seethe; to ferment; to boil over
type of stew, usu. fish or vegetables in a mild broth; fish grilled unseasoned and then simmered slowly in soy and mirin broth
seafood, etc. preserve made with mirin, ginger and soy
to boil; to come to a boil; to seethe (with rage, etc.); to be furious
egg boiled, peeled, and steeped in soy sauce marinade
store selling boiled vegetables, fish, and beans
simmering after steaming; simmering (in a small amount of broth); smothering; estouffade
food cooked in miso; cooking in miso
seafood cooked in a way that preserves its original shape
to boil up; to be thoroughly cooked
stir-frying then boiling in liquid sauce; food that has been stir-fried and boiled in liquid sauce
falling apart while cooking
boiling something whole (e.g. vegetable, fish); cooking something whole
to warm over
to boil down sake, mirin, etc. to reduce the alcohol content
preliminary boiling (of hard-to-cook ingredients); cooking in advance
root vegetables boiled in broth
beef sinew stewed in miso and mirin
half-boiled; half-done
boiling in salted water (e.g. fish)
chicken stew with taro, carrot, burdock, etc.
white vegetables or fish simmered without soy sauce
fry-simmering; cooking by first briefly deep-frying, then simmering in broth; fry-simmered food; fried food in broth
(soup) stock; broth
food boiled in sugared broth
fish, shellfish, etc. boiled in salted water
being ignorant of the ways of the world; knowing nothing; (lit.) not being able to tell if a yam is boiled or not
sauteed vegetables with fish or poultry made into a stew; poultry or fish stew with chili peppers and Welsh onions mixed in
food cooked with butter
kugini; sand lance simmered in soy, mirin, etc.
way of cooking; a cook
when the enemy is defeated, the victorious soldiers can be killed off; (lit.) when the nimble rabbit dies, the hunting dog is cooked
boiling sake or mirin (to reduce the alcohol content); boiled-down sake; boiled-down mirin
boiling sake or mirin (to reduce the alcohol content); boiled-down sake; boiled-down mirin
food boiled or stewed in soy sauce, sugar, mirin, etc. for short-term preserving
hard-boiled egg; starchy water (from boiled rice)
to boil over
egg boiled, peeled, and steeped in soy sauce marinade
dish consisting of bony fish parts boiled in soy sauce
duck meat stew (dish from Ishikawa prefecture)
being ignorant of the ways of the world; knowing nothing; (lit.) not being able to tell if a yam is boiled or not
freshly brewed, aromatic tea
kugini; sand lance simmered in soy, mirin, etc.
simmering after frying
stew made from multiple ingredients
vegetables boiled in miso
vegetables boiled in miso