FrequencyTop 100-200
Kyōiku (3rd grade) 
KankenLevel 8
Composed of

"We need to get into that place! Quickly — grab that axe and just smash the door with it!"

Used in vocabulary (1050 in total)
place; location; room; space; basho; wrestling tournament
place; spot; address; district; area; one's house; point
whereabouts; place; location; place where one belongs; where one fits in; place where one can be oneself
belonging to (a group, organization, etc.); affiliation (with); being attached to; being under the control of
neighbourhood; neighborhood
after all; in the end; anyway; (cannot) possibly; (not) at all; (not) by any means
kitchen; financial situation
place; point; part; counter for places, parts, passages, etc.
address (e.g. of house); residence; domicile
one's possessions; ownership
counter for places
thereupon; shortly thereafter
research establishment; research institute; laboratory
possession; owning
whereabouts; place where one is; position; location
vital part (of the body); tender spot; key point; essential point; male crotch (as a target in fighting)
each place; various places
government office; public office
conduct; behaviour; movements; gesture; performance (on stage, etc.); dance
washroom; bathroom
chief; head (of an office, of a laboratory)
here and there; in places
origin; source; birthplace; release from prison; discharge from prison; exit
prison; penitentiary
another place; somewhere else; outside (one's family or group); someone else; not caring for; being indifferent to
strong point; merit; virtue; advantage
desire; request; wish
what is called; as it is called; the so-called; so to speak
another place; somewhere else; outside (one's family or group); someone else; not caring for; being indifferent to
changing room (at a bathhouse, swimming pool, etc.)
toilet; lavatory; water closet; restroom; bathroom
opinion; intention; thought
property; possession
one place; (all in) the same place; one spot; one location; one part; one passage
reason; grounds
court; courthouse
whereabouts; address; place of temporary residence
clinic; medical office; infirmary
everywhere; all over; throughout
crowded; packed; crammed; cramped; filled; overflowing
barrier; checkpoint; checking station
ownership; dominion; ownership rights; proprietorship; property rights
secret or hidden place; female genitalia; the underworld; the other world
counter for places, parts, passages, etc.
famous place; name of a part (of an instrument, etc.); name and address
the point of ...; the place where ...; a place called ...; places known as ...; I would say ...; ... is how I'd put it
station; office; guardroom
cache; place to hide something
municipal office; council; city hall
shelter; safe shelter; evacuation shelter; place of refuge
consequence; outcome; result; blame
bedroom; bedchamber; (arch.) roost; (arch.) nest
rest area; rest stop; service area (next to a highway); service station; parking area
prescribed; designated; appointed; fixed
grounds; foundation; authority; support; prop; something upon which to rely
meeting place; rendezvous (point); roll-call (assembly) point; appointed (designated) place
place; point; part; counter for places, parts, passages, etc.
counter for places, parts, passages, etc.
important position; strategic point; important point; main point; essentials
high place; high altitude; heights; broad view
defect; demerit; weak point; disadvantage
things at hand; personal belongings
one place; (all in) the same place; one spot; one location; one part; one passage
at present; currently; so far; for now; for the time being
one place; (all in) the same place; one spot; one location; one part; one passage
the right person in the right place
stop (bus, tram, etc.); station; stopping place
place to die; place of death
point worthy of note; highlight; high point; good prospects for the future; promise
station; office; guardroom
neighbors; neighbours
engagement; business; affair; use; need
(all) important positions; every strategic point; each key post; (all) important parts; every important point
money in one's possession
stranger; outsider
imperial palace (esp. Kyoto Imperial Palace); imperial residence; residence of a shogun, minister, etc.; emperor; ex-emperor; empress
sightseeing spot; tourist attraction
neighborhood nuisance; neighbourhood nuisance
everywhere; at every turn
internment camp; detention facility; POW camp; refugee camp
hiding place; refuge
very hard; with utmost effort; as hard as one can; (of a samurai) devoting oneself to (the defence of) one's territory
perilous pass (on a route or journey); rough spot
detective bureau; detective agency; investigation firm
counter for places, parts, passages, etc.
counter for places, parts, passages, etc.
view; opinion; finding; findings
one place; (all in) the same place; one spot; one location; one part; one passage
meeting place; assembly hall
health care center; health care centre; animal shelter
because of; owing to; due to
bored; having nothing to do; idle
leading figure; influential figure; mogul
magistrate's office
location; address
certain place
not the time for; not the place for; far from; anything but; ... is out of the question; ... isn't the word for it
one place; the same place; (arch.) one person; (arch.) together
main office; this office
(in one's) possession
looking away; looking aside
prison; detention house; detention center; jail
power plant; power station
income; earnings
two places; two spots; two locations; two parts; two passages
local; localized; partial; topical (application)
ward office; council (regional)
evacuation site; exposure; refuge shelter; shelter
shrine office; office of a Shinto shrine
press; print shop; printing office
works; factory; plant
spot (where one was hit)
time required; time taken; necessary time
admission (e.g. to a training institution, research establishment, social welfare facility, etc.); entrance; imprisonment; internment; confinement
depository; storage area; storage location; storage site
branch office; agency; sub-branch
for today; for the time being
opportunity to show one's abilities; time to show one's stuff; one's province
one place; (all in) the same place; one spot; one location; one part; one passage
district court; local court
detective agency; enquiry agency
impressions; thoughts; feelings; opinions
police cell; place of detention; jail
(place of) refuge; escape; exit; way out; shelter; hiding place
staking out (in advance; e.g. a seat or a spot); saving a place; reserving a location
shipyard; dock yard; shipbuilding yard
check station; checkpoint
not the time for; not the place for; far from; anything but; ... is out of the question; ... isn't the word for it
estate; plot of land
one place; (all in) the same place; one spot; one location; one part; one passage
various places; several sources
to take up space; to occupy space
in appearance; to look at; judging from appearances
it may be because
child consultation center; children's welfare center
inside; interior
character of a place; situation; location; occasion
here and there; everywhere
actually; in fact; as a matter of fact
household; home; family; housekeeping
point of compromise; common ground
staff member; station employee; official
everywhere; all over; throughout
independent (esp. in politics); non-partisan
post; quarters; military station; police station
creche; day nursery
two places; two spots; two locations; two parts; two passages
of late; lately; this part; this point; here
address; lodgings; accommodation
in the end; at the end of the day
to touch the vital point
hitting a dangerous (harmful) spot (e.g. hitting one's head)
impeccable; unimpeachable; cannot be faulted; above reproach; beyond reproach; faultless
whereabouts; country; one's home village; one's residence
police substation; residential police box
honestly speaking; in truth; in all honesty; to be frank
nursery school; nursery
interaction with one's neighbors; relationship with one's neighbors (neighbours)
to have something on one's mind; to have (undisclosed) reservations; to feel conflicted
neighbors; neighbours; neighborhood; neighbourhood
consultation office; information center; bureau; agency
going out; one's best clothes; formal (e.g. language); best (behaviour, manners, etc.)
marriage agency; matrimonial agency; matchmaking service
distant; cold; formal
(cargo) depot; (garbage) collection site; (ammunition) dump
to keep a house; to run a household
two places; two spots; two locations; two parts; two passages
of unknown affiliation
almost; very nearly; only just; barely; just in time
focus of one's attention; what one is looking for; viewpoint; point one is trying to make
place to go; place one can go
branch office; police box; local police station
two places; two spots; two locations; two parts; two passages
belief; conviction; opinion
irrespective of the occasion; indiscriminately
smoking area; smoking corner
result; fruit (of); product (of)
business office; place of business
in one's imagination
various places; several sources
part; section; part of the body; affected part (of the body); local (e.g. anesthesia); topical
publishing house; publishing office
nuclear power plant; nuclear power station
what one desires; what one hopes for; suits me well; could ask for nothing better; bring it on
two places; two spots; two locations; two parts; two passages
demesne; belonging
to be worn out (from domestic life)
observatory; observation post
various places; several sources
bureaucratic routine; red tape
decisive moment; turning point; critical moment; win-or-bust situation
first-aid station
place to sleep
a place or opportunity to make a display of
public lavatory; slut; whore; floozy
one place; (all in) the same place; one spot; one location; one part; one passage
connection (to a person, place, etc.); relation; affinity
transformer substation
law office; lawyer's office; attorney's office
place to put something; place where one put something; place to put oneself
meeting place; club
one's weak point; one's sore spot; raw nerve
lately; recently
included (in a publication); carried; printed
sanatorium; rest home
interaction with one's neighbors; relationship with one's neighbors (neighbours)
plant; enterprise place; office
(a stock) exchange
address book; list of addresses; mailing list
the point of ...; the place where ...; a place called ...; places known as ...; I would say ...; ... is how I'd put it
ironworks; steelworks
what is called; as it is called; the so-called; known as; so to speak
in truth; in actuality; at heart; the truth; the real story
place of study; school
taxation office serving a specific area; competent tax office; police station with jurisdiction for a precinct, etc.; competent police station
the same place; the same address; the said place
place of exile
by the way; incidentally; even if; no matter (who, what, when, where, why, how)
one place; (all in) the same place; one spot; one location; one part; one passage
various places; several sources
position on the fingerboard (of a shamisen, koto, etc.); vital point; crux
venue cost; venue fee
weak point; vulnerable point; Achilles' heel
to lay the blame on; to put the fault on
factory; manufactory; works; mill
(a place) out of one's reach
where; what place; how much (long, far); what extent
confined place; closing (an institution, office, clinic, etc.)
prison camp; concentration camp; prisoner of war camp; POW camp
bored; having nothing to do; idle
to take up space; to occupy space
two places; two spots; two locations; two parts; two passages
to hit a nerve; to go for the throat; to touch a sore spot
wife of a shogun or a highest-ranking nobleman
dark place; unlit spot; darkness
abode (of a nobleman or emperor); Imperial chamber
branch (office)
there (place relatively near listener); there (place just mentioned); that place; then (of some incident just spoken of); that (of point just raised); (arch.) you
stranger; outsider
meanwhile; in the meantime
lookout post; observation point
everywhere; all over; throughout
brewery; distillery
tollgate; toll booth
official in charge of the administration of domains and general affairs of powerful noble families (from the middle of the Heian period); titled lady (legal wife of an important official); government office related to finances (Kamakura and Muromachi periods); clerk working for large temples and shrines
vague; fuzzy; elusive; slippery
red-light district
science institute; scientific laboratory
explanation; matter under discussion; contents; one's opinion
thermal power station (i.e. using combustion)
required; needed; necessary
sawmill; lumbermill
crowded; packed; crammed; cramped; filled; overflowing
military station; post
storage center; deposit; depository; repository; warehouse
Chamber of Commerce and Industry
lobby; lounge; recreation room; break room
this place; this office
temple which issues amulets
securities exchange; stock exchange; bourse
congeries of many households; scratch (combined) team; hodge podge of parties
private office; private practice
two places; two spots; two locations; two parts; two passages
one place; (all in) the same place; one spot; one location; one part; one passage
dangerous area; perilous road; red-light district; house of ill repute; brothel
place of enshrinement; morgue; mortuary
one place; (all in) the same place; one spot; one location; one part; one passage
vague; fuzzy; elusive; slippery
focus of one's attention; what one is looking for
landing place (e.g. for steamers); station (e.g. bus); terminal
farmers' market; farm shop
not knowing what to do with oneself (out of embarrassment, etc.); not knowing where to put oneself; feeling out of place; feeling that one doesn't belong
right place; right position; right post
throne; (the place of) a nobleman's seat
here; this place; this point; here; these past ... (e.g. three years); these last ...
given (e.g. conditions); given thing; data; sense datum
expected; anticipated; hoped for; expectation
vague; fuzzy; elusive; slippery
distribution center; distribution centre
(a place) within one's reach
married man or woman; housekeeping
bedroom; bedchamber; bed
(historical) banishment from one's residence as a form of judicial punishment
aimlessly; without a goal
vague; fuzzy; elusive; slippery
place where one works; team to which one belongs; place of employment
quarantine station
tourist information center; tourist information centre
release on bail; parole
promptly; quickly
concubine of an emperor; female court attendant who serves in the emperor's bedchamber
temple office (for receiving offerings or donations); (historical) office for storing land taxes
place to go; destination
juvenile classification home; juvenile detention facility
two places; two spots; two locations; two parts; two passages
illegal possession; unlawful possession
unattended sales place; vending machine
Spring Tournament (held in Osaka in March)
local anesthesia; local anaesthesia
currency exchange counter; bureau de change
female household; household consisting wholly of women
aim; goal
point (of a conversation, etc.); sense; hold; grip
clearing house; clearinghouse; (currency) exchange; bureau de change
another's affair; matter of no concern; nothing to do with one
article (in a collection, etc.); piece
one's opinion
at the present time; as of now; at this time
confiscation of property (Edo period)
commercial go-playing parlour (parlor)
Board of Retainers (Kamakura and Muromachi-period government office); samurai guard house (Heian and Kamakura periods)
hydroelectric plant or power station
secrecy; confidentiality; one's circumstances (esp. fiscal); kitchen
institute for general research; multidiscipline laboratory
cloakroom; parcel room
Achilles heel; one's weak point; shin
Autumn Tournament (held in Tokyo in September)
general policy speech; speech held by the Prime Minister of Japan at the start of a special or extraordinary Diet session
place of death; place to die
lookout; watchhouse
place of assembly
public lodging house; simple lodging (including pensions, private lodging and capsule hotels)
far from; anything but; not at all; let alone; to say nothing of; not to mention
place where the sacred palanquin is lodged during a festival
juvenile prison; juvenile corrective institution
employment agency; placement agency; labour exchange; labor exchange
leaving (a facility, clinic, office, research institute, etc.); retiring
stranger; outsider
scenic and historic places
almost; very nearly; only just; barely; just in time
going out; one's best clothes; formal (e.g. language); best (behaviour, manners, etc.)
public lavatory; sexually promiscuous woman
grounds; foundation; authority; support; prop; something upon which to rely
New Year's Tournament (held in Tokyo in January)
Kyushu Tournament (held in Fukuoka in November)
at once; there and then; immediately
opening (of a new office, facility, etc.)
weather measurement station
low income group; low income class
garbage collection site; trash disposal area
target; objective
from what I've heard; according to reports; from what they say
within eyeshot; within sight; in view
private ownership; private property
dance (in kabuki); dance play
stranger; outsider
crowded; packed; crammed; cramped; filled; overflowing
guard station; guard house; guard post
economics research centre; economics research center
The Japan Chamber of Commerce and Industry; JCCI
printed; published; noted or mentioned (in a publication)
your place; you
police station with jurisdiction for a precinct, etc.; competent police station
Nagoya Tournament (held in July)
Public Employment Security Office
to be worn out (from domestic life)
Summer Tournament (held in Tokyo in May)
nyctophobia; fear of the dark; scotophobia
having lunch in a toilet cubicle by oneself
neighbourhood dispute (neighborhood); neighbourhood quarrel; grievance with one's neighbour
counter for places, parts, passages, etc.
almost; very nearly; only just; barely; just in time
close call; narrow margin; the eleventh hour
comfort women brothel (during World War II); military brothel
medical office; (out-patient) clinic
official sumo tournament (six per year)
small scale; small family
welfare office; social security office
to be extremely thorough, focusing on even the finest of details
another's eyes; other people's eyes; casual observer
person on top of the income scale; top earner
income concealment; (income) tax evasion
breaking through or sneaking past a barrier
location where a magical being resides; cursed place where disaster after disaster occurs
pachinko prize exchange shop; shop where pachinko prizes are exchanged for money
barracks; camp
geisha; Japanese singing and dancing girl; dressed-up beautiful woman
rice(-cleaning) mill
illness; fatigue
one place; (all in) the same place; one spot; one location; one part; one passage
a palace sanctuary
toilet sandals; bathroom sandals
wealthy family; important person; bigwig
in short; in brief; to sum up; ultimately; in the end; in the long run
point (of a conversation, etc.); sense; hold; grip
hard to figure out; elusive; slippery; vague; subtle
disposable income; disposable personal income; DPI
grounds; foundation; authority; support; prop; something upon which to rely
wish; desire
key (to understanding); point (e.g. of an argument)
red tape; red-tapism; officialism; bureaucratic bungling
not knowing what to do with oneself (out of embarrassment, etc.); not knowing where to put oneself; feeling out of place; feeling that one doesn't belong
designated evacuation shelter
printer's; print shop
there; over there; genitals; private parts; that far; that much
place of worship (in Okinawa)
training school or institute
sanctuary; inner sanctum
refinery; smelting works
large income earner; people in the higher income brackets
blank; empty space; gap
spawning grounds; egg-laying site
government property; government owned
flour mill; gristmill
abattoir; slaughterhouse
crucial point; perfect chance; golden opportunity
laboratory; testing station; research facility
out of sight; out of eyeshot
so many countries, so many customs
close call; narrow margin; the eleventh hour
your address; your place of residence
having no income; state of nonattachment; lack of attachment; not seeking anything
Kaiseijo (school of foreign studies set up by the shogunate during the Edo period)
office of a temple
88 temples (of, or modeled after those of, Shikoku)
staking out (in advance; e.g. a seat or a spot); saving a place; reserving a location
office for rent; office to let
holy of holies; sanctum sanctorum
juvenile classification home; juvenile detention facility
hiding place; genitals
fee paid for space (e.g. for a stall)
petrol filling station; gasoline filling station
(arch.) birth parents; (arch.) birthplace; child; creation
turnout; passing-place
making regular visits to a social welfare facility
toilet (for defecating)
temporary lodging built to accommodate an Imperial visit
(written) address
lately; recently
one's birthplace; source
bicycle parking place
steelworks; steel mill; steelmaking plant
carpentry shop; woodworking plant; sawmill
probation office; probation facility
under one's jurisdiction; having jurisdiction
guardhouse; guardroom
temple; shrine, especially one at which worshipers pray for favors; prayer hall
vagrant; transient lifestyle
rice-producing region
superior; supervisor
anywhere; everywhere; indiscriminate(ly); no matter where
registry office
tax deduction; deduction from taxable income; income exemptions and deductions
to hit a nerve; to go for the throat; to touch a sore spot
lookout; watchhouse
unbeatable; invincible; irresistible
Judicial Research and Training Institute
impeccable; unimpeachable; cannot be faulted; above reproach; beyond reproach; faultless
point of beauty
immediate neighborhood; immediate neighbourhood
shelter (for buses); waiting area; waiting room
one's time (e.g. to go on stage); one's turn; source; origin; place of production
thoughts; opinions
Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees; UNHCR
(Japanese) Court of Impeachment
subject and object; activity and passivity
address (of a letter, parcel, etc.); destination
total income; gross earnings
galley; ship's kitchen
licensed nursery; authorized daycare center
intellectual property rights
detention or internment camp
fare adjustment office
place (to run a business, e.g. street stall)
prisoner-of-war camp; POW camp
wind farm; windfarm; wind power station
at once; there and then; immediately
88 temples of Shikoku (holy spots related to Kobo Daishi)
inspection station; inspection centre
released prisoner; ex-convict; ex-con
aerial work platform; elevating work platform; boom lift; bucket truck; cherry picker
imprudence; indiscretion
we have our rules, they have theirs; our house, our rules
triple attack force out
The Nonpareil Kitchen (nickname for Osaka); The Kitchen of the Nation
court injunction; court order
sentry post; guard post
place to put something; place where one put something; place to put oneself
coming to an office, laboratory, etc.
assigned role; duty; position; suitable role; best-suited job
place where the sacred palanquin is lodged during a festival
another place; somewhere else; elsewhere; (arch.) moving (to another place)
concavity; hollow; depression
full of things one could poke fun at; full of inconsistencies; absolutely ridiculous
confiscation of property (Edo period)
one's opinion
workplace; place of work
appropriate time to do (something); occasion when (something) must be done
temporary protective custody facility; temporary care center
here and there; in places
abode (of a nobleman or emperor); Imperial chamber
Institute for the Study of Western Books (Edo period); Institute for the Investigation of Foreign Books
not knowing what to do with oneself (out of embarrassment, etc.); not knowing where to put oneself; feeling out of place; feeling that one doesn't belong
tea-growing district
public lodging house; simple lodging (including pensions, private lodging and capsule hotels)
dumping spot; place to kill oneself
place where the sacred palanquin is lodged during a festival
de-facto embassy; liaison office
staying in one's position or resigning; course of action; move
cafe featuring Japanese-style sweets
focusing on only the good points or strong points; incorporating the benefits (while ignoring the drawbacks); picking the best of both (everything); cherry-picking (e.g. information)
point of compromise; common ground
undesirable state brought about by (my) lack of virtue; feeling morally responsible; mea culpa
place guarded by soldiers; torpedo room
recently; lately; these days
to neglect; to ignore; to slight; to be indifferent to
various places; several sources
hard to figure out; elusive; slippery; vague; subtle
illegal possession; unlawful possession
resting place; haven of rest
crash site (esp. aircraft)
allopatry; heterotopy; heterotopia; allopatric; aberrant
what is called; as it is called; the so-called; known as; so to speak
service point; agency; office
to take a big bite; to take the best part; to steal all the good parts; to steal the show
two places; two spots; two locations; two parts; two passages
damaged spot; damaged part
lacking a portfolio (of a minister of state, etc.)
head of household
toilet (from which night-soil may be collected)
of late; lately; this part; this point; here
thirty-three temples in the Kinki area containing statues of Kannon (Avalokitesvara)
pension replacement rate; income substitution rate (of the public pension)
full of things one could poke fun at; full of inconsistencies; absolutely ridiculous
appeals court; appellate court
if you rely too much on your greatest strength, it will be your greatest weakness
in truth; in actuality; at heart; the truth; the real story
thirty-three temples sacred to Kannon (Avalokitesvara)
outhouse (from which night-soil may be collected); privy
discouraged person; (like a) sheep being led to a slaughterhouse
congeries of many households; scratch (combined) team; hodge podge of parties
appropriate time to do (something); occasion when (something) must be done
competent court; court having jurisdiction (over a matter); court of competent jurisdiction; court of jurisdiction
almost; nearly; close to
to harbor ill feeling
classification of fragrant woods used as incense
new household; new home
rich kid; person who grew up wealthy
claustrophobia; fear of confined spaces
place of confinement
mental functions; mental factors; mental states
transmitting station (e.g. for TV)
while at a distance; indirectly; casually
gagaku training place (Heian era); place for playing instruments
one place; (all in) the same place; one spot; one location; one part; one passage
effective spot (e.g. in acupuncture); pressure point; key point (e.g. of a problem); important point
group of independents; usu. informal grouping of independent politicians in the National Diet or in prefectural assemblies
place of death; place to die
(written) address
temporary name of the initial Meiji-era legislative body (1869)
bedroom; bedchamber; bed
outhouse (from which night-soil may be collected); privy
place containing a Buddhist image; place containing a Buddha; pure land; independent workshop of Buddhist sculptors (from the Heian period onward)
bureaucratic jargon; officialese; gobbledygook
workshop; Heian and Kamakura-period furniture workshop (established in temples and various government bodies); Edo period office which administered tenders for arms, armor, etc.
to be extremely thorough, focusing on even the finest of details
when you've got to go, you've got to go; (lit.) farts and boils aren't choosy about where (or when) to appear
to go wherever one has to go (to get a matter settled, e.g. the court)
focusing on only the good points or strong points; incorporating the benefits (while ignoring the drawbacks); picking the best of both (everything); cherry-picking (e.g. information)
hard to figure out; elusive; slippery; vague; subtle
unbeatable; invincible; irresistible
address (of a letter, parcel, etc.); destination
cancer research institute; cancer research center (centre)
tax-collection office
Crown Prince's Palace
imperial palace (esp. Kyoto Imperial Palace); imperial residence; residence of a shogun, minister, etc.; emperor; ex-emperor; empress
unit owner (in a condominium or other multi-unit building)
(arch.) birthplace; place of rebirth; place of reincarnation
bureaucratic routine; red tape
bureaucratic jargon; officialese; gobbledygook
following the desires of one's own heart without transgressing what is right
position on the fingerboard (of a shamisen, koto, etc.); vital point; crux
Osaka (March) tournament
barbershop; barber shop
pumped storage power plant; pumped storage power station
Ōgosho period (between the Kansei Reforms and the Tempo Reforms, approx. 1787-1843)
one's post; one's station; department; bureau; section
power (sub)station
unlicensed nursery; daycare services offered outside of the scope of traditional nurseries
spot where the pulse may be taken; vital point
ballot-counting place
office for rent; office to let
factory mark; manufacturing plant identification mark (on goods)
work or vocational center (centre)
recently; lately; these days
original court; court of first instance
parolee; person on parole (from prison)
scenic sites and historic places; places of natural beauty and historic interest
character of a particular place
miscellaneous (sundry) incomes
Gulag Archipelago (Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn)
(rights to) industrial property
focus of one's attention; what one is looking for
toilet god; guardian deity of the privy
all rights reserved; copyright reserved
storage center for impounded bicycles and motorcycles
position on the fingerboard (of a shamisen, koto, etc.); vital point; crux
after all; in the end; in short; given due consideration; when all is said and done
income certificate; certificate of earnings
at a glance; at first sight
after all; in the end; anyway; (cannot) possibly; (not) at all; (not) by any means
provincial tournament, held outside Tokyo
Special Income Tax for Reconstruction (of areas affected by the 2011 Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami)
the passive; passive voice
allowance for non-salaried wrestlers during tournaments
act; deed; one's doing; cause; reason
toilet; lavatory; quiet place
Empress Dowager's palace
to take a big bite; to take the best part; to steal all the good parts; to steal the show
experimental fishery station
geisha; Japanese singing and dancing girl; dressed-up beautiful woman
(historical) government office
physical findings; physical examination findings
leaving a matter to chance
legal wife of a regent, of the imperial adviser, or of an official at the Grand Council of State
being sent to prison
people's ownership; publicly owned
service point; agency; office
one's former address
fixed working hours; prescribed working hours
garbage collection site; trash disposal area
circumstances of the office
the point of ...; the place where ...; a place called ...; places known as ...; I would say ...; ... is how I'd put it
on the contrary; far from it; if anything; in fact; instead
even so; however; still; whereupon; even though; nevertheless
hereabouts; around here
here and there; everywhere
in short; in brief; to sum up; ultimately; in the end; in the long run
location (of something); whereabouts; hiding place
crowded; packed; crammed; cramped; filled; overflowing
two places; two spots; two locations; two parts; two passages
point (of a conversation, etc.); sense; hold; grip
hard to figure out; elusive; slippery; vague; subtle
focusing on only the good points or strong points; incorporating the benefits (while ignoring the drawbacks); picking the best of both (everything); cherry-picking (e.g. information)
appropriate time to do (something); occasion when (something) must be done
focus of one's attention; what one is looking for
focus of one's attention; what one is looking for
can't be helped (of situation, reason, etc.); unavoidable
can't be helped (of situation, reason, etc.); unavoidable
can't be helped (of situation, reason, etc.); unavoidable
while at a distance; indirectly; casually
key (to understanding); point (e.g. of an argument)
key (to understanding); point (e.g. of an argument)
key (to understanding); point (e.g. of an argument)
place to go; destination
to get benefit from; to profit from; to gain benefit
somewhere; somehow
rich kid; person who grew up wealthy
your address; your place of residence
audience seating (noh theater); audience (esp. in noh)
crucial point; perfect chance; golden opportunity
address (of a letter, parcel, etc.); destination
address (of a letter, parcel, etc.); destination
address (of a letter, parcel, etc.); destination
being the same thing (as); being indistinguishable (from)
we have our rules, they have theirs; our house, our rules
service point; agency; office
important part (to listen to); the point (of a speech); interesting part; best part (of a piece of music or performance)
important part (to listen to); the point (of a speech); interesting part; best part (of a piece of music or performance)
depending largely on; playing a large role in; due largely to
to change sides; to change places
farmland; private farm estates from before the Taika reform
exile for crime
locative case; adessive case
poverty-stricken household
local jump; local branch
residence; address; domicile
not in keeping with the occasion
non-local jump; non-local branch
transformer substation
reputation; respectability
income tax withheld at the source
minister without a portfolio
traveling clinic; travelling clinic
worn haggard by household cares
research institute bulletin
our (the present) business office
tied-up places (spots)
conservative without party affiliation
incumbent member (or candidate) unaffiliated with a party
World Intellectual Property Organization (Organisation); WIPO
day-care center; day-care centre
arrival of the wrestlers to the tournament venue
waiting wrestler's sitting cushion
the orientation of time and place; awareness of the existing situation
vital point (critical place to make a move in the game of Go)
most moving part; compelling part (of story); climax
home is wherever one lays one's hat; you can make your living anywhere in this world; there's room for us all in the world; (lit.) wherever there are humans, there are burial places
Pana-Wave Laboratory (Japanese religious organization)
Banchō Seisaku Kenkyūjo (faction of the LDP)
do not do unto others what you would not have done unto you
do not do unto others what you would not have done unto you
site of a Buddhist mortuary tablet
prefectural training institute
training institute for civil servants
34 (originally 33) sacred places in and around Chichibu, Saitama Prefecture
thirty-three sacred places in the Kanto region (which was previously known as Bandō)
billing address (e.g. credit card)
shelving location of books (in a library)
inter-location; inter-company; inter-office
working-storage section (COBOL)
Total Cost of Ownership
support for medical treatment for those on low income; Medicaid
conjugal property; joint ownership property of husband and wife
Buddhist seminary
infringement of intellectual property rights
representative office (e.g. diplomatic)
court of review; retrial court
government-run workshop of Buddhist sculptors (during the Nara period)
place where one spends the night to avoid travelling in an unlucky direction
place where one spends the night to avoid travelling in an unlucky direction
graveyard; cemetery
room or pavilion of residence for the master of the house (Heian period palatial-style architecture); room where the emperor usually lives in the imperial palace
excursion spot; getaway; red-light district; brothel
palace workshop responsible for making furnishings, etc. (Heian period)
palace workshop responsible for making furnishings, etc. (Heian period)
palace kitchen in which final preparations to the imperial family's meals (e.g. reheating) were made (Heian period); kitchen (in a noble's manor)
county seat; parish seat; borough seat; county town
High Court (of Kamakura); Board of Inquiry
palace of a retired emperor
imperial court; government office; imperial land; government land
income tax cut; income tax reduction
Chernobyl disaster (April, 1986); Chernobyl nuclear power plant accident
going elsewhere; travelling afar with one's client (of a geisha, etc.)
ectopic site
heterotopia; heterotopy
negative income tax; NIT
frequency-changer station; frequency converter station
hairdresser's room in the residence of the shogun or a noble
hairdresser's room in the residence of the shogun or a noble
provisional residence; temporary residence
income-based levy; per income levy; taxation on income basis
income-based levy; per income levy; taxation on income basis
kami of the three main Kumano shrines
barbershop; barber shop
beauty salon; beauty parlor
when the right conditions are fulfilled, things will turn out well on their own; (lit.) a sunken place will collect water; someone in bad circumstances will continue to accumulate difficulties
having a hard time getting used to unfamiliar places (of children)
cryptocurrency exchange; crypto exchange; digital currency exchange
building consisting of individually owned units, shops, etc.; strata title building; sectional title complex; condominium
unit ownership (in a condominium or other multi-unit building); unit ownership rights
job; role; duty; (job of) collecting land tax (feudal Japan); earnings from land tax
scope of affairs under the jurisdiction
operations center (railway, power plant, etc.); control room
taxation office serving a specific area; competent tax office
empty place; unoccupied space
empty place; unoccupied space
photopic vision; daylight vision; photopia
birthplace; hometown
minister or general's wife who became a nun
poets can stay in one place and still know all the famous sights
fools fall easily for flattery; (lit.) fools and smoke rise to great heights
fools fall easily for flattery; (lit.) fools and smoke rise to great heights
welfare workshop; collaborative workshop
another place; somewhere else; elsewhere; another country; foreign country
scotopic vision; twilight vision
peak-load station; peaking power plant; peaker plant
conversion station (power, frequency); converter station
switching station; switchyard
designated city or core city required to run its own public health centers
Shiyakushomae Station (Fukui)
where; whereabouts
where; what place
Examples (200 in total)
I didn't know that he was there.
I love this place!
I like this place.