FrequencyTop 1000-1100
Kyōiku (2nd grade) 
KankenLevel 9
Composed of
Used in kanji (4 in total)
get cloudy
cloud cover
Used in vocabulary (294 in total)
reckless; (at) random; haphazard; blind; sudden; abrupt
above the clouds; heaven; the Imperial Court; something unreachable; place of out of reach
dark clouds; threatening signs; ominous indications
Izumo (former province located in the east of present-day Shimane Prefecture)
weather; look of the sky; situation; turn of affairs; signs
wide difference; a world of difference
cloudless (sky); without a cloud (in the sky)
dark clouds; black clouds
rift between clouds
cloudless (sky); without a cloud (in the sky)
white clouds
cumulonimbus; gigantic columns of clouds (in summer); thunderhead
vanishing behind the clouds (e.g. of the moon); vanishing; suddenly disappearing; going into hiding
sea of clouds
skylark (Alauda arvensis)
nebula; galaxy
winds and clouds; nature; the elements; situation; state of affairs
god-like existence; person far higher (in hierarchy, etc.) than oneself
cumulonimbus cloud
thin clouds
mica; isinglass
vapor trail (vapour)
clouds and fog
vague; unclear; elusive; hazy
above the clouds; the heavens
gathering clouds; group of clouds
snow-laden clouds
dark clouds gather; threatening signs emerge; trouble is afoot
the clouds look menacing; things don't look good
clouds and haze; swarm (of people); throng; (flee) like the wind; (run) out of sight
vague; unclear; elusive; hazy
gathering clouds; group of clouds
to get cloudy; to cloud over; to cloud up; to fog up; to be gloomy; to be clouded (expression)
great difference
palanquin bearer; coolie; wandering robber
itinerant priest; wandering monk; mendicant; clouds and water
(arch.) sky; cloud; distant place; high place; imperial court
early evening cloud; clouds at sunset
drifting cloud; floating cloud; instability
lucky adventurer; adventurer who takes advantage of troubled times; soldier of fortune
fleecy clouds (esp. cumulus clouds)
war clouds; threat of war
to have grown tense (of a situation); to have become critical (and to be on the verge of a major upheaval)
overhead ladder; horizontal ladder; monkey bars; yunti (scaling ladder used for escalade in ancient China)
dark clouds gather; threatening signs emerge; trouble is afoot
blue sky; erudition; detachment from the world; high rank
mushroom cloud (from nuclear explosion, etc.)
Mare Nubium (lunar mare); Sea of Clouds
in swarms; in throngs; in droves; in hordes
in swarms; in throngs; in droves; in hordes
clouds that stand like a mountain peak during the summer
scattered clouds
purple clouds; clouds on which Amida Buddha rides to welcome the spirits of the dead
skyscraping; very high; above the clouds; above this mortal world
cumulus clouds
iridescent clouds; glowing clouds
summer cloud; summer clouds
in the clouds
dense clouds; overcast
(arch.) sky; cloud; distant place; high place; imperial court
cirrocumulus cloud
gathering clouds; group of clouds
sea urchin; seasoned sea urchin eggs
Ama-no-Murakumo no Tsurugi (heavenly gathering of clouds sword; one of the three Imperial regalia)
clouds and smoke; landscape
swarm; throng
cirrocumulus cloud
scatter; disperse
cirrus (cloud)
cloud shape
wall of clouds; bank of clouds
ominous cloud
morning clouds
weather; look of the sky; situation; turn of affairs; signs
Yunnan Province (China)
mushroom cloud (from nuclear explosion, etc.)
(metaphorically) floating with the tide
speck of cloud
auspicious clouds
cloud formation; cloud-shaped
cirrus cloud
cloud floating in a spring sky
auspicious cloud; Keiun era (704.5.10-708.1.11); Kyōun era
autumn clouds; white, wispy clouds in a clear autumn sky
degree of cloudiness; cloud cover
altocumulus cloud
cloud; look of the sky; kabuki accessory representing a cloud; type of strange mist appearing in the sky, used for divination
cirrocumulus cloud; mackerel sky
(flee) like the wind; (run) out of sight
above the clouds
mozuku (Cladosiphon okamuranus and Sphaerotrichia divaricata, types of edible seaweed)
salmon (color, colour); pink with a yellow tinge; color of daybreak
(camera) platform
cloud flying through the sky
cirrocumulus cloud; mackerel sky
cloud movements; overhanging clouds
scattered clouds
gap between the clouds
court nobles and other courtiers allowed into the Imperial Palace
vague; unclear; elusive; hazy
Chinese milk vetch
drifting cloud; floating cloud; instability
clouds that stand like a mountain peak during the summer
bluish cloud; azure sky; blue sky
twilight clouds
to take advantage of the troubled times (of an ambitious adventurer)
mountain clouds; (arch.) mountains and clouds
height of clouds
low-hanging clouds
molecular cloud
altocumulus cloud
cloud movements; overhanging clouds
Unryū style of grand champion's ring-entering ceremony
altocumulus clouds
wonton (Chinese dumpling); won ton; wantan; wanton; wuntun
fog-like cloud; high fog; stratus cloud
cirrostratus; cirrostratus cloud
cirrus (cloud)
altostratus cloud
Unryū style of grand champion's ring-entering ceremony
cloud of suspicion
cap cloud (cloud shaped like an Asian bamboo hat that forms at the peak of a tall mountain)
altostratus clouds
weather radar (showing the location of precipitation); rain radar
mammatus (cloud); mammatocumulus; festoon cloud
itinerant monk being on pilgrimages to many lands
wonton noodles; wonton noodle soup
biotite; black or green mica
drifting clouds
crupper ornament
cirrocumulus; cirrocumulus cloud
yunluo (10 small gongs mounted in a wooden frame)
layers of clouds
interstellar cloud
soaring skylark; high-flying skylark
mushroom cloud (from nuclear explosion, etc.)
life in natural setting, free from worldly cares
the nebular hypothesis
Magellanic Clouds (galaxies)
gathering dark clouds; being under the shadow of
muscovite; white mica; talc
Jingo-keiun era (767.8.16-770.10.1)
clouds appearing before the wind starts to blow; winds and clouds
cirrus (cloud)
clouded leopard (Neofelis nebulosa)
gently floating clouds
not being obsessed with something very long (just as clouds and haze pass swiftly before one's eyes)
auspicious cloud
skyscraping; very high; above the clouds; above this mortal world
noctilucent clouds
clouds and earth; great difference
cod roe; cod milt
altostratus cloud
clouds in midwinter; cold winter clouds
glowing cloud
being poles apart; (there being) all the difference in the world
mozuku (Cladosiphon okamuranus and Sphaerotrichia divaricata, types of edible seaweed)
Izumo Oyashiro-kyo (sect of Shinto); Izumo Taisha-kyo
flying clouds and drifting haze; magnificent calligraphy; vivid penmanship
Izumo dialect (spoken mostly in eastern Shimane prefecture)
predatory nature; rapacious disposition
Shinonome Station (Tokyo)
tsuchigumo (people of ancient Japan who were not subjects of the Yamato court)
thick clouds; classical Japanese poetry
auspicious cloud
cirrus cloud
cloud floating in a spring sky
daybreak; dawn
type of sōmen made without added oil; specialty of Miyagi prefecture, usu. eaten in broth, esp. warm in winter
cirrostratus; cirrostratus cloud
cloud mirror; mirror nephoscope; reflecting nephoscope
cirrocumulus; cirrocumulus cloud
soaring skylark; high-flying skylark
soaring skylark; high-flying skylark
Murakumo no Tsurugi (alternate name for Ama-no-Murakumo no Tsurugi; the sword of the Imperial regalia)
beautiful woman (metaphorical)
bowmouth guitarfish (Rhina ancylostoma); mud skate; shark ray
flying clouds and drifting haze; magnificent calligraphy; vivid penmanship
gently floating clouds
look of the sky
clouds in the sky
limitless expanse of clouds and smoke
(many things) gathering like clouds and vanishing like mist; swarming and scattering
sexual liaison; (arch.) morning clouds and evening rain
Riches and honors are as fleeting as floating clouds; Fortune and fame are here today, gone tomorrow
banner clouds in layers
fragrant styrax; styrax obassia
roll cloud; rotor cloud
roll cloud; rotor cloud
true bristletail (any insect of order Thysanura, esp. of family Lepismatidae)
cloud during rainy season
eighth-generation descendant; great-great-great-great-great-great-grandchild
Small Magellanic Cloud (galaxy)
Large Magellanic Cloud (galaxy)
dialects of Japanese spoken in Western Tottori prefecture and Eastern Shimane prefecture
classification of clouds
cirrocumulus cloud; mackerel sky
cirrocumulus cloud; mackerel sky
being thin and bony; bony body; bony old man; bony old woman
Unden Shinto (branch of Shinto based on Shingon Buddhist teachings)
auspicious cloud
plain matcha (powdered green tea)
dish of spicy boiled pork, usu. served with slices of cucumber
Sichuan sliced spicy garlic pork; boiled pork slices with sauce
courtier; court official
longing for freedom when tied down; (lit.) caged bird's longing for the open sky
cloud system
undulatus; wave cloud
extreme difference; worlds apart
flammagenitus; pyrocumulus cloud; fire cloud
fire cloud; pyrocumulus cloud; flammagenitus
hand-operated fire pump
hand-operated fire pump
Yunfu City
Haeundae Station (Busan Metro)
water pipit (Anthus spinoletta)
alpine accentor (Prunella collaris)
woodlark (Lullula arborea)
red-whiskered bulbul (Pycnonotus jocosus)
Batrachospermum gelatinosum (species of red alga)
meadow pipit (Anthus pratensis); titlark
shore lark (Eremophila alpestris); horned lark
Xenostrobus securis (species of saltwater mussel)
Japanese horse mussel (Modiolus nipponicus)
golden mussel (Limnoperna fortunei)
dusky frillgoby (Bathygobius fuscus)
flower urchin (Toxopneustes pileolus)
Callambulyx tatarinovii (species of hawk moth)
Examples (69 in total)
That cloud looks like my dog.
That cloud is in the shape of a fish.
Look at those clouds! It's going to rain.