that is to say; that is; in short; in brief; clogging; obstruction; shrinkage
always; constantly; frequently; often; nonstop
no!; no no!; no, not at all
the other day; lately; recently; meanwhile; in the meantime
to examine; to look up; to investigate; to check up; to sense; to study
public entertainment; performing arts; accomplishments; attainments
relation; relationship; participation; involvement; influence; effect
company president; manager; director
skilled person; capable person; doer; performer; giver; bestower
feeling; sense; impression
woman; female; feminine gender
to drink; to gulp; to smoke (tobacco); to engulf; to overwhelm; to keep down; to suppress
cooking; cookery; cuisine; dealing with something; handling; administration
to come together; to merge; to fit; to match; to be profitable; to be equitable
female company president; female CEO
tangent point; point of contact; contact (electrical, etc.); point of agreement; common ground
years gone by; earlier years; former years; the past
so much; so often; oh, yes!; that's it; that's right; quite
detailed; full; minute; knowing very well; knowledgeable (about); well-acquainted (with)
please; somehow or other; one way or another
always; without exception; necessarily; certainly; without fail; positively
to bring someone happiness; to make someone happy
no good; not serving its purpose; hopeless; wasted; cannot; must not
party (gathering, celebration, etc.); party (group, political, etc.)
business; task; use; purpose; for the use of ...; used for ...
to request; to beg; to call; to order; to entrust to; to rely on
I got it; I see; I now know; So that's the reason
it doesn't matter what; anything is fine
to be helpful; to be useful
thanks to ...; owing to ...; because of ...
the front; honesty; uprightness; decency; normality
job; work; duties; trade; skill
to install (a king, emperor, etc.); to appoint (to a post); to promote; to assign (to study under)
to have been decided (so) that; to have been arranged (so) that; to be the result (of); to be the outcome; to be the reason (for)
small quantity; little; little while; short distance
mouth; opening; hole; mouth (of a bottle); spout; gate; door
to be effective; to take effect; to work; to function well; to be possible (to do, use, etc.); to be able to
to reach the point that; to come to be that; to turn into