ingratiation; pandering; catering (to); going along with (someone or something); accommodating oneself (e.g. to public opinion)
disagreeable; detestable; unpleasant; reluctant
shopping; purchased goods
alone; by oneself; on one's own
yes; that is correct; um; errr; huh?; grrr
in terms of both ... and ...; from the perspective of ... as well as ...; whether it be ... or ...
ah!; oh!; yes; indeed; aah; gah
now that you mention it; come to think of it; that reminds me; on that subject; speaking of which
to kill; to slay; to suppress; to block; to suppress (a voice, feelings, etc.); to hold back
it does not mean that ...; I don't mean that ...; it is not the case that...
never mind that; don't worry about that; listen up
to bend oneself forward (esp. in curiosity or excitement); to hang out (e.g. over a balcony)
to hold back (e.g. emotions); to rein in (e.g. a horse, unruly people); to get the better of; to control; to command
to the end; to the bitter end; to the last; after all; it must be remembered; only
for a moment; for a minute; for a while; for some time; for the time being; for now
yes; indeed; ha!; what?; huh?; sigh
seducer; smooth talker; picking up women; hitting on women; moderate party; moderate
sentence-ending particle expressing doubt
to spit out; to eject; to dump
another (person); the other person; one more (person)
to work (for); to be employed (at); to serve (as); to act (as); to conduct a religious service
hard; solid; stiff; tight; strong; firm (not viscous or easily moved); safe
sense of values; values; value system
owner; proprietor; possessor (e.g. of talent, beauty, etc.)
to become vulgar; to coarsen
tea (usu. green); tea break (at work); tea ceremony
to part (usu. of people); to part from; to separate (of a couple); to break up; to lose (e.g. one's mother); to be bereaved
feature; trait; characteristic; peculiarity; distinction
support (e.g. for an argument); backing; proof; evidence; corroboration; substantiation
natural; reasonable; obvious; usual; common; ordinary
to entrust (e.g. a task) to another; to leave to; to passively leave to someone else's facilities; to leave to take its natural course; to continue (something) in a natural fashion (without particular aim); to rely fully on one's (full strength, great ability, long time taken) to get something done
place; spot; address; district; area; one's house; point
liver; innards; courage; spirit; crux; essential point
unfortunately; sorry, but ...
receipt; cash-register slip
particle indicating that the speaker is trying to recall some information
but (still); and yet; nevertheless; even so; notwithstanding
place; location; room; space; basho; wrestling tournament
degree; amount; grade; standard; of the order of (following a number); about
explanation; exposition; description; account; caption; legend
completely; absolutely; totally; (not) at all