such; that sort of; that kind of; no way!; never!
what kind of; what sort of; what; no matter what (kind of); whatever; any
lovely; dear; beloved; pitiable; pathetic; piteous
extreme foolishness; grave stupidity; big fool; damn idiot; utter fool
inside one's heart; in one's mind
to shout; to cry; to scream; to clamor (for or against); to clamour (for or against)
violent; furious; extreme; intense; fervent; vehement
each time; every time; whenever (something happens); on the occasion of
light (of movements); nimble; light-hearted; cheerful; taking a turn for the better (of an illness); receding of symptoms
to jump; to leap; to break up; to close; to hit (e.g. to have a car hit something or someone)
persistent; obstinate; tenacious; relentless; insistent; importunate
indeed; really; absolutely; truly; actually; very
because; for; the reason why is ...
to stagnate; to settle (at the bottom); to deposit; to become sluggish; to become dull; to be delayed
emotion; feeling; feelings; sentiment
remains; dregs; vestiges; remnant; residue
to blow (of the wind); to blow (one's breath); to breathe out; to play (a wind instrument); to blow (a whistle, trumpet, etc.); to emit (smoke, fire, etc.); to spout
to pay (e.g. money, bill); to brush off; to wipe away; to drive away (e.g. one's competitors); to sell off (something unneeded); to dispose of; to pay (e.g. attention)
ogre; demon; spirit of a deceased person; ogre-like person (i.e. fierce, relentless, merciless, etc.); it (in a game of tag, hide-and-seek, etc.); Chinese "ghost" constellation (one of the 28 mansions); very
in order to; for the purpose of; must; should
revengeful ghost; apparition
to send; to dispatch; to despatch; to bestow (favour, etc.); to grant (e.g. pardon)
to be charmed by; to be attracted to; to be taken with; to be drawn to
body; oneself; one's place; one's position; main part; meat (as opposed to bone, skin, etc.)
to bend backwards; to bend oneself back; to be taken aback
great laughter; burst of laughter
difference; distinction; discrepancy; mistake; error
probably isn't (doesn't, won't, etc.); don't (doesn't) intend to; intend not to; must not; (when used in an imperative sentence) don't
self-; from ...; this ... (in contrast to some other ...); aforementioned
answer; reply; response; answer; solution; result
to stop (an activity); to cease; to discontinue; to cancel; to abandon; to give up
that's the way it is; yes; is that so?; is it?
to stop walking; to pause
to come together; to merge; to fit; to match; to be profitable; to be equitable
frontmost; a short time ago; a little while ago; just now
to exchange (messages, greetings, arguments, etc.); to intersect; to cross; ... with one another; ... to each other
questions and answers; dialogue
sure; no mistaking it; for certain; without doubt
just (e.g. "just wait here"); come now; tolerably; passably; well...; I think...
right?; isn't it?; hey; say; you know; you see; will you?
surroundings; environs; circumference